Call For Entries: How, When & Why to Submit Work For our Annual Exhibition

The Call For Entries for our 2024 Annual Exhibition is now closed.

At the heart of the NEAC is the search, propagation, and education of meaningful and resonant art. It is committed to authenticity through the observation of life, as well as the task of articulating and communicating these ideas, with the beauty of skilful language. At the same time, it strives to keep alive the ideals and ethos of its history.


The NEAC Annual Exhibition is a showcase not only for our members but also for aspiring artists: with a history going back more than a hundred years, it is an opportunity for work to be seen alongside some of the best artists painting today, held at Mall Galleries in London.


The exhibition offers over ten prizes and awards (see 'Prizes & Awards' below).


Historically, the New English Art Club was founded by a group of artists dissatisfied with the entrenched attitudes of the Royal Academy. It mounted its first show in 1886 including paintings by Clausen, Sickert and Stanhope Forbes. The club increasingly attracted younger artists, bringing with them the influence of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. Many diverse styles of art have developed since its founding, adding richness and variety.


Submissions for our 2024 exhibition closed on Friday 8 March 2024.


Full details, schedule and terms can be found on the Mall Galleries website (who host the exhibition and administer the call for entries).


Prizes & Awards (subject to final confirmation)

There are many prizes and awards available to win, including:

NEW The Ken and Dora Howard Prize: £1,000 for a painting that best captures a sense of light

The Doreen McIntosh Prize: For an artist whose work fulfils the New English Art Club’s ideals of rigour, immediate engagement with the visual and a searching attitude. Value £3,000.

The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award: £2,000 for a drawing by an emerging artist aged 35 or under

The Val Harris Prize: Two week residency in The Atelier in Hay-on-Wye followed by a one week exhibition at The Chair, the art gallery owned by Val Harris, for a non-member

The Bowyer Drawing Prize: Selected by the Bowyer family, £500

The Michael Harding Award: £500 worth of art materials

The Milner Prize for an Emerging Artist: £500

The Winsor & Newton Award: Art materials to the value of £500

The NEAC Critics' Prize: £250

The Anthony J. Lester Art Critic Award: A certificate and cheque for £100

The Dry Red Press Award: The winning work will be published as a greetings card in the Dry Red Press 'Prize Winners' range, with royalties from the sale of the cards going to the artist

Mall Galleries / FBA Award: Ten free submissions to exhibitions by the Federation of British Artists at Mall Galleries (worth up to £200) for a first time exhibitor with the New English Art Club.



- You may also be interested in the NEAC Scholarships opportunity.