Photos by Mark Sepple
This year's Annual Exhibition will take place at Mall Galleries, from 12 to 21 June 2025.
We will update this page nearer the time with further details about the exhibition, including the lecture, demonstrations and other events that will be taking place during the run of the show.
If you would like your artwork to be considered for the exhibition alongside our members, the Call For Entries is open NOW until 14 March 2025. Entry via the Mall Galleries website.
Related artists
Diana Armfield
Julian Bailey
Louise Balaam
Tom Benjamin
Tim Benson
June Berry
James Bland
Jane Bond
Francis Bowyer
Peter Brown
Diana Calvert
David Carpanini
Diana Charnley
Peter Clossick
David Cobley
Tessa Coleman
Michael Cooper
Jane Corsellis
Patrick Cullen
Paul Curtis
Saied Dai
Stuart Denyer
John Dobbs
Michael Fairclough
Alex Fowler
Caroline Frood
Judith Gardner
Dennis Gilbert
Paul R Gildea
Sarah Granville
Charlotte Halliday
Paul Handley
Charles Hardaker
Clare Haward
Julia Hawkins
Julie Held
Benjamin Hope
Felicity House
Julie Jackson
Mary Jackson
Andrew James
Craig Jefferson
Victoria Jinivizian
Pamela Kay
Michael Kirkbride
Peter Kuhfeld
Jason Line
Andrew Macara
Bridget Moore
Anthony Morris
Arthur Neal
Paul Newland
William Packer
Patricia Paolozzi Cain
David Parfitt
Melvyn Petterson
Richard Pikesley
Neil Pittaway
Salliann Putman
Simon Quadrat
Charles Rake
Jacqueline Rizvi
James Rushton
Susan Ryder
Melissa Scott-Miller
William Selby
Daniel Shadbolt
Maurice Sheppard
Ann Shrager
Laura Smith
Charlotte Sorapure
Richard Sorrell
Sarah Spencer
Ruth Stage
Benjamin Sullivan
Nick Tidnam
Lorna Vahey
Toby Ward
Grant Watson
Michael Weller
Robert E Wells
Jenny Wheatley
Michael Whittlesea
Antony Williams
Charles Williams
Jacqueline Williams
Duncan Wood
Neale Worley
Martin Yeoman
Johanna Zhang
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